Retirement Planning Calculator

Plan your retirement with confidence by estimating your future savings and income needs.

Your Information

When you plan to stop working

The age to which you expect to live

Total of your current retirement accounts

How much you save toward retirement each year

Average annual return on your investments

Expected average annual inflation

How much you expect to spend yearly in retirement (in today's dollars)

Retirement Forecast

Estimated Retirement Savings



By age 65, with 7% annual return

Annual Retirement Income

4% Rule


Based on a 4% safe withdrawal rate

Inflation-Adjusted Expenses

2.5% Inflation


Your $40,000 expenses in future dollars

Annual Income Shortfall


You may need to save more or adjust your retirement expectations

Recommended Additional Savings


Extra amount needed to meet your retirement income goals

Years in Retirement

25 years

From age 65 to 90

About Retirement Planning

This calculator uses the "4% rule," a general guideline suggesting that retirees can safely withdraw 4% of their retirement portfolio in the first year, adjusting for inflation in subsequent years, without running out of money for at least 30 years.

Remember that retirement planning is highly personal. Factors like healthcare costs, Social Security benefits, other income sources, and market fluctuations can significantly impact your actual retirement needs. Consider consulting with a financial advisor for personalized guidance.